
one woman's journey of self-discovery, weight loss, and taking back control

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Magic

I was challenged a couple of months ago to join a group of people who were embarking on a "Gratitude Challenge" for 28 days.  The idea came from the book "The Magic" by Rhonda Byrne.  I agreed to join, and purchased the book for my Kindle.  Then life got in the way and I kept putting it off.  I knew it was a 28 day commitment and I was just not ready to dig in.  I think part of me knew that it was going to be a huge change and there's that little thing called a "comfort zone".  While I have been doing so much better at breaking out of my comfort zone, when it's something that involves self discovery it tends to be a lot scarier for me! Do I really want to know what I need to change about myself? Do I really want to face the ugly facts?

So, long story short, I finally decided mid-January to bite the bullet and begin this challenge.  The very first day I was sucked in! Without giving away too much about the book (because I recommend that everyone read it) I was encouraged to make a physical list of my desires for myself in various aspects of my life.  It's easy to make a list of things you want once you get started.  Not just material things...but spiritual, physical, and emotional goals.  I'm not going to say that I wasn't blown away when some of these things began to manifest in my life within the first 24 hours.  Focusing on gratitude for things in your life (good or bad) completely changes your attitude! I am so thankful for this experience and I plan to continue a gratitude journal as a part of my daily life from here on out.  I do this at night just before I go to my last thoughts of the day are ones of thankfulness.  It really has an impact on my mornings as well!