
one woman's journey of self-discovery, weight loss, and taking back control

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Second Chances

Life often presents opportunities that seem very appealing, yet for whatever reason we often let those opportunities pass by without taking advantage.  For some of us we pass because we're shy, afraid of change, afraid to fail, etc.  For me it was about how I felt about myself.  I knew I didn't look the way I wanted to look. I felt afraid to put myself out there and be rejected.  I'm sure I missed out on a lot of things because I was afraid for people to see me.  I stayed my comfort zone...and became more miserable.

While I have made amazing strides, I'm still not one hundred percent comfortable with myself.  I'm learning to get rid of the negative language, stop putting myself down, and just feel good with where I am at the moment.  I know that I'm not stuck here forever, and I know now that I am able to make the changes I need to make and get to where I want to be.

Today was a big day for me.  Some of you may appreciate this, and some of you may think I'm crazy...but I wore a sleeveless shirt public.  I know that seems so insignificant, but for me it was a HUGE step in feeling better about myself.  The last time I wore something sleeveless in public was on my honeymoon in Mexico 13 years ago.  I remember carrying a sweater with me because I felt so self conscious about it even then. that I have completely sidetracked from where I was going with this post....back on topic.  Have you ever had an acquaintance that you really wished you could get to know better?  Someone who you feel connected to in some way or seems like they might be a nice person to spend time with?  I know so many people like that...and for years I was afraid to take the first step in getting closer to people.  It's sad that I could have missed out on some amazing friendships that God had planted right in front of me.  However, sometimes, you get a second chance.  Today I had one of those happy tears/goosebump moments when I realized that I had in fact missed out on one of those opportunities in the past, but was given a second chance.  It is so amazing to me how people are brought into your life.  Had I not been through this amazing journey over the past year, I may have missed out a second time.  New friends are always a good thing.  New friends that share your vision, your dreams, and understand where you've been are a rare blessing.  Today I'm thankful for rare blessings.

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