
one woman's journey of self-discovery, weight loss, and taking back control

Monday, December 10, 2012


Wow...has been over 2 months since my last update.  Life has been busy.  I promised to share the details about the last 30 days of my 90 day challenge.  The last 30 days ended up being the toughest for me.  I couldn't understand why...because I had been feeling so much better and then suddenly I was having a really hard time resisting carbs.  I wanted bread!!!  I was sure that I had detoxed my body from craving carbs, so I was a little confused.  Then, I started feeling nauseated all the time....that's when I knew.  I was pregnant!!!
I didn't want to give up on my challenge.  By the time I found out I only had about 22 days left.  I was determined to make it! You already know from my last post that I was able to finish out the challenge...and that also explains why I only dropped 3 pounds in the last 30 days.

So, for those of you who don't know my history I have struggled with infertility ever since we started trying to have children.  We were actually one of the lucky couples that was actually able to finally conceive.  We tried for 18 months before getting pregnant with our son.  After a couple of years we decided to try for another baby.  Little did we know that it would be a long, emotional ride.  After trying without success for a while, I was diagnosed with Poly-cystic Ovary Syndrome.  After several years with no success we decided to try some intervention.  For nearly a year I swallowed pills and got injected with chemicals and drugs to help me conceive.  Finally, 7 years and 4 months after having our son we were blessed with our second child, a daughter.   I was pretty sure that she would be our last child because I didn't want to go through the ups and downs of  trying again.

In July of 2011 I began my journey with the Herbalife products.  I noticed within the first 2-3 months of being on the products that my symptoms from PCOS were gone and my cycle was regular.  Then in January of 2012 I learned much to my shock that I was pregnant...with no help...without even trying.  At that point I was down about 50 pounds.  I never dreamed that I would be able to get pregnant without help.  Unfortunately, the pregnancy did not develop and I miscarried in early March.  Even though I should have been prepared for the possibility, I was equally as shocked to find out that I was pregnant again just a few months later.  I completely credit my ability to conceive on my own to the good nutrition and weight loss.

I am now nearly 21 weeks pregnant and am feeling amazing! My pregnancy is progressing wonderfully and everything is going very well!  I'm thankful to know that I can continue to stay on my products throughout my pregnancy and will drop my baby weight very quickly!  Obviously I didn't hit my 100 pound goal by October, but this has been an unexpected blessing that makes that goal worth the wait!

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