
one woman's journey of self-discovery, weight loss, and taking back control

Friday, July 27, 2012

90 days!

Ok...I am SO not a good blogger!  I have good intentions, but other things always end up filling my time. I do, however, want to keep tabs on my this is where I am....

At the end of June I was still not completely out of "plateau range". I was still losing, but had yet gotten back to my lowest point.  A few of us drove up to Wisconsin for an Herbalife Success Training Seminar because the guest speaker was Enrique Carrillo who happens to be the #1 distributor in Herbalife for several years running.  What an awesome opportunity...and boy was it worth the trip!  So, basically....long story short....he did a lot of talking about how you can do anything for 90 days if you really want something badly enough and asked us where we see ourselves in 90 days...and that struck a chord with us.  On our drive home we committed to a 90 day challenge.  We sat down the next morning and wrote out what the "rules" would be.  They go something like this....

Two Skinny Shakes a day – add only Herbalife products or PB2 (no “goodies” or pudding)

Snacks – Only Herbalife Snacks, fruit, or veggies (Protein bars in moderation)

Fried Food
Sugary Food
Anything with Flour
Anything with sugar (except Herbalife products and fruit)

Drink: WATER, Herbalife Tea

Red Meat (in moderation)
Fish & Seafood
Fruit and Veggies (sweet potatoes ok)
Cheese (in moderation)


So, I was a little worried.  I mean it is summer time which means lots of ice cream.  My family likes pizza...and it is usually a once a week food at our house.  Not to mention all of the other things that I have grown to love over the years....but I REALLY want to reach my goal, so I went for it.  

Day one was July problem.  Day two was of course a holiday that revolves around family, FOOD, and fun.  I brought food that I was able to eat and adapted where necessary and I didn't struggle at all which was a huge surprise to me.  By about day 5 I noticed a HUGE difference in how I felt.  I felt really good and I wasn't craving the things that I usually do.  I never really believed that was possible.  I honestly thought that I would be counting the days for this to be over, but it has been getting easier each and every day.  

Today was day 25 of this challenge.  I have never felt more healthy in my life.  Here are some of the observations/changes that I have had through the course of the last 25 days...

*This process has opened my eyes to all of the times that I mindlessly shove food in my mouth.  While preparing kids lunches, making dinner, etc...I have had to become aware and make a conscious effort NOT to do this anymore.  
*I also had my eyes opened to how  much I was "cheating".  
*I have noticed that I never feel truly hungry anymore.  I also cannot eat large amounts of food at once.
*I have learned to "special order" my food at restaurants and not feel guilty for doing so...for instance I will ask that my veggies NOT be sauteed in butter or I will order a sandwich or burger minus the bun or in a lettuce wrap.  I also order my salads with no croutons (which was always my favorite part).
*I have learned that once my body has eliminated the junk that I crave things like broccoli and berries and hummus...who knew?
*I have learned that without a doubt....embarking on such a huge thing as this is WAY easier when you do it with friends.  Knowing that I am not only letting myself down, but letting my friends down made it easier to get started.  
*I have not been grumpy or moody because I don't feel like I am depriving myself of anything.  That has been a HUGE shock to body is hugging me from the inside!
*I really don't know that I want to ever stop living this way after the 90 days is up (which was really the ultimate goal anyway) but I will most likely enjoy a slice of pizza on a special occasion now and then.
*I have been able to FINALLY incorporate a steady workout program.  Again, having accountability partners is WAY helpful.  I have done the Herbalife 24 Fit program for 5 days straight now.  Even though I really wasn't looking forward to it 3 out of the 5 days I did it because I have friends who are doing the same thing and I don't want to let them down :)

Anyway, I have managed to lose an INSANE amount of weight in the last 25 days.  I want to keep that a secret, least until I have all of the other numbers to go with it.  I am thrilled and am right on track to reach my 100 pounds by fall!  


  1. Sarah,

    A fine blogger you are! What an inspirational story. I am very excited for you and can't wait to hear more!


  2. I myself am on a weight loss journey! Good Luck!!
