
one woman's journey of self-discovery, weight loss, and taking back control

Thursday, August 22, 2013

My Why

Something that I have learned during my time as an Herbalife distributor is that setting goals and having a reason or a "why" is a great way to keep you motivated to do what it takes to get there.

From the beginning I started doing this to "pay it forward" and help others feel the way that I now do. I can't imagine going back to where I came from and it breaks my heart to see people in the same circumstances.

However, when someone asks my "why" I have always said "my husband and my kids". That seems like a great answer, right? I mean look at these faces....  

....if that's not enough to make me get out of bed in the morning, nothing is! 

My husband is a great man. He works hard, helps so much at home, is very hands-on with our children, and earns a good living to support us so that I can stay home and raise our kids. The four of them are my world. 

So, it makes perfect sense to want to do something to make things even just a tiny bit easier or better for them. Having good, healthy products has been a great way for all of us to get a quick, healthy breakfast. Learning more about nutrition and fitness has seen my kids following suit and making better choices and being more active. The extra income has allowed me to do things I couldn't do buy my husband a brand new guitar for Christmas last year. 

Ultimately, my goal would be to have extra money to save for my kids to go to college, take some stress of of my husband by lightening the load financially, and being able to always afford those extra things that pop up out of the blue. 

While these are all great reasons to do what I'm doing and they ARE a part of my goals, I have realized that these are not my true "why". 

I have said it before and I still hold to the fact that if I never made a dime selling Herbalife products I wouldn't stop doing what I do. My goal is and has always been making as many people as I possibly can feel even a little bit better about themselves. If I can do that, I can leave this earth knowing that I lived the way that I intended to and that I have fulfilled part of the purpose that God has for me. 

They always say that Herbalife finds you when you need it the most. I couldn't agree more. If you have read my story you know that when I found these products and this company that I was in a very low place and had never felt more miserable with myself. I was on my knees daily begging God to help me find something that would give me purpose and make me feel like I was making a dent in the universe and not just taking up space.  Never in a million years would I have thought that learning to live a healthy active lifestyle and teaching others to do the same would be where He would lead me at over 300 pounds, but I have never felt more fulfilled, blessed, and happy in all of my life. 

I have had the pleasure of helping many people in just the last couple of years. I have sat with people and listened to them cry, I've seen their faces light up with each and every achievement, and I've seen some of them go on to help even more people get that amazing feeling. I have made new friends and grown closer to others that I most likely wouldn't have without this experience. I could stop there and know that I have made a small difference in at least someone's world, but every time I see someone with that look in their eye...knowing that they are just going through the motions but they aren't truly happy...knowing they feel how I used to feel because I know exactly what that looks like...I realize that my work here is far from over. I have been given an amazing gift and to keep it to myself would be selfish...I HAVE to share!  

For me it isn't just about making a sale...its about changing a life the way mine was changed. Regardless if you decide to take our products or not, I will never stop encouraging and congratulating anyone who is making strides toward living a healthier, more active lifestyle. It is one of the hardest things that some of us will ever do in our lives. It will be an endless struggle for some. Sometimes, though, you just need someone who has been where you are to know that it CAN get better. 

No matter who you are or where you are from, if you ever need help getting started, need encouragement, or just someone to share your journey with...reach out to me! If not, reach out to someone else that you trust and find a way to make that first change. I promise you that you won't regret a second spent making yourself a better version of you :)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

What's been happening???'s been a while and I realized I haven't updated my blog since I had the baby!  So, here's the quick story...

We went in for a scheduled c-section on April 19. Everything went very smoothly and we welcomed our 3rd child into the world. Since we didn't find out the sex, we were surprised to find out that it was a GIRL! :) She  is a very healthy baby and she weighed in at 10 lbs. 5 oz and was 23 inches long. She started lifting her head up and smiling just hours after birth!

Carrigan Lucille

She has been nothing but pure joy in our lives.  She has been healthy, happy, and very active! She sleeps through the night and has since almost the beginning. She rarely cries and when she does it is usually because she's tired, hungry, or needs changed...then she's back to all smiles! 

As far as my goals are concerned, I gained 47 pounds with my pregnancy. I took my Herbalife products throughout my entire pregnancy (full list of the products I used during pregnancy can be found here) and have continued to take them while I'm nursing. Two weeks after giving birth, I was already down 28 pounds. I joined a team weight loss challenge to help keep me on track to get my baby weight off ASAP so I can continue onto my goal to hit my 100 pounds lost mark! In the first month of that challenge I took off 14 pounds. My next weigh in will be in a couple of weeks, so I'm anxious to see a new number on the scale. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Pregnancy and Herbalife

UPDATED! See Below!

I am feeling rather huge these days.  I am starting to get really anxious about getting back to my weight loss once the baby arrives.  I have my goals set and I can't wait to continue working toward them.  It has been difficult for me to see the numbers on the scale go up after so much hard work in getting them to go down.  I know that it is good, healthy weight.  I have maintained my clothing size, my rings are still lose, and I didn't have to buy bigger shoes this time.  That helps me realize how helpful my Herbalife products have been to me during this pregnancy.

I have been blessed to have 3 healthy pregnancies with no complications or major issues.  However, this pregnancy has been WAY different for me.  I have felt so good.  Energy is not a word you hear associated with pregnancy very often unless you are talking about a lack of...but I can honestly say I feel so energetic and healthy.  I admit that I don't have my full amount of "gusto" from pre-baby but I also don't have to power nap to make it through my days.  My blood work all came back perfectly.  My glucose test was the lowest it has been for any of my pregnancies.  The one major difference is that I have a history of anemia and had to take an iron supplement with my first two pregnancies.  This iron!

I am confident that with the help of my Herbalife plan I will bounce back from this pregnancy and keep moving forward.  I said that I was feeling huge these days...even though I feel pretty darn good for being 8 months pregnant.  I decided today to look at pictures from my daughter's baby shower that was exactly 4 years ago.  Suddenly I felt a little bit better about how "huge" I feel now.

For those of you curious about which products I am taking during this pregnancy here you go...the list is a long one and my doctor is aware of my product usage.  I have also discontinued a few of the supplements that I normally take until after I'm finished nursing.  Please note: This is what I have chosen to do for myself. Some of these supplements may not be for you during pregnancy, but you should talk to your doctor.  For instance, if you have high blood pressure you may want to avoid the Herbal concentrate tea.  You know your what is best for you and your baby. 

Formula One Shake (2-3 per day mixed with skim milk or PDM)
Protein Drink Mix (1-2 scoops mixed with shake)
Multivitamin (1 tablet 3-4 times daily)
Cell Activator (2 tablets twice daily with shake)
Cell U Loss (1 tablet three times daily)
Aminogen (1 tablet three times daily)
Snack Defense (1 tablet two times daily)
Flora Fiber (1 tablet three times daily)
Garden 7 (1 tablet three times daily)
CoQ10 (1 tablet daily)
Herbalifeline (1 tablet three times daily)
Schizandra (1 tablet two times daily)
Rose Guard (1 tablet two times daily)
Ocular Defense (1 tablet daily)
Triple Berry Complex (1 tablet daily)
NRG (1 tablet 2-3 times daily)
Xtra-Cal (1 tablet 3 times daily)
Herbal Concentrate Tea (3-6 servings daily...I LOVE my tea! However I did avoid it during the first trimester)
Formula One Express Meal Bars (On occasion to replace a shake)
Protein Bars (As as snack on occasion)
Beverage Mix (As a snack on occasion)
Active Fiber Complex (I used this a lot in the first trimester mixed in my shake)
Herbal Aloe Concentrate (and lots of it during the first trimester for morning sickness!!!)
Herbal Aloe Hand and Body Wash (daily)
Herbal Aloe Hand and Body Cream (daily)
Herbal Aloe Soothing Gel (as needed)
Herbal Aloe Strengthening Shampoo (daily)
MultiVitamin Skin Care System (daily)
Nourifusion MultiVitamin Exfoliating Scrub (weekly)
Plus many other Personal Care Products as needed

These are the products that I discontinued for the duration of my pregnancy and some I will not continue until after I finish nursing.  The reason for not taking these is simply because the labels state that they are not recommended for use by pregnant women. Herbalife is very good at following labeling laws and mega dosing laws!

Total Control
Joint Support
Tang Kuei
21 day cleanse
Sleep Now
Relax Now

Herbalife products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. However, when the body is getting complete nutrition at the cellular level amazing results can occur! 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Magic

I was challenged a couple of months ago to join a group of people who were embarking on a "Gratitude Challenge" for 28 days.  The idea came from the book "The Magic" by Rhonda Byrne.  I agreed to join, and purchased the book for my Kindle.  Then life got in the way and I kept putting it off.  I knew it was a 28 day commitment and I was just not ready to dig in.  I think part of me knew that it was going to be a huge change and there's that little thing called a "comfort zone".  While I have been doing so much better at breaking out of my comfort zone, when it's something that involves self discovery it tends to be a lot scarier for me! Do I really want to know what I need to change about myself? Do I really want to face the ugly facts?

So, long story short, I finally decided mid-January to bite the bullet and begin this challenge.  The very first day I was sucked in! Without giving away too much about the book (because I recommend that everyone read it) I was encouraged to make a physical list of my desires for myself in various aspects of my life.  It's easy to make a list of things you want once you get started.  Not just material things...but spiritual, physical, and emotional goals.  I'm not going to say that I wasn't blown away when some of these things began to manifest in my life within the first 24 hours.  Focusing on gratitude for things in your life (good or bad) completely changes your attitude! I am so thankful for this experience and I plan to continue a gratitude journal as a part of my daily life from here on out.  I do this at night just before I go to my last thoughts of the day are ones of thankfulness.  It really has an impact on my mornings as well!