
one woman's journey of self-discovery, weight loss, and taking back control

Thursday, July 11, 2013

What's been happening???'s been a while and I realized I haven't updated my blog since I had the baby!  So, here's the quick story...

We went in for a scheduled c-section on April 19. Everything went very smoothly and we welcomed our 3rd child into the world. Since we didn't find out the sex, we were surprised to find out that it was a GIRL! :) She  is a very healthy baby and she weighed in at 10 lbs. 5 oz and was 23 inches long. She started lifting her head up and smiling just hours after birth!

Carrigan Lucille

She has been nothing but pure joy in our lives.  She has been healthy, happy, and very active! She sleeps through the night and has since almost the beginning. She rarely cries and when she does it is usually because she's tired, hungry, or needs changed...then she's back to all smiles! 

As far as my goals are concerned, I gained 47 pounds with my pregnancy. I took my Herbalife products throughout my entire pregnancy (full list of the products I used during pregnancy can be found here) and have continued to take them while I'm nursing. Two weeks after giving birth, I was already down 28 pounds. I joined a team weight loss challenge to help keep me on track to get my baby weight off ASAP so I can continue onto my goal to hit my 100 pounds lost mark! In the first month of that challenge I took off 14 pounds. My next weigh in will be in a couple of weeks, so I'm anxious to see a new number on the scale. 

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