
one woman's journey of self-discovery, weight loss, and taking back control

Monday, August 20, 2012

Half Time!

August 16 marked the half way point for my 90 day challenge.  I'm still hangin' in there!  It's been awesome, actually and I don't have a single regret.  I have had a few moments where I can't really say I was tempted, but challenged.  Not because I really wanted to eat whatever it was, but because I have to really stop and control my automatic reflex to pop a piece of food in my mouth just because it's there.  I have to literally put the brakes on in my mind.  I am retraining my brain to think differently, and until it becomes as automated as the old way, I will have to be aware and conscious about every single decision I make about food.

Oddly enough, it feels REALLY good.  I feel so confident about the changes I have made and it is leading me to make life long changes that will benefit myself and my family.  When I sit down at the table to have a meal with my family, all of the colorful, healthy food makes me smile.  It makes me feel good to teach my kids how to love things that are good for them.  While this started out to be a journey just for whole family has embraced the changes with me and are loving it just as much.  Of course their changes haven't been as strict as mine, and the kids still like their treats every now and then, but the fact that neither of them has asked for a Happy Meal in over 2 months is a huge victory in itself.

So, at the half-way mark I have lost a total of 25 pounds through the challenge.  That puts me at 75 pounds total loss so far.  My goal is to hit the 100 pound mark by the time we go to Extravaganza in Long Beach on October 18.  I know I can do it!

I also wanted to thank everyone for their kind words and notes of encouragement through this process.  I really wanted to do this for I have something to look back on as a reminder of the journey and the fact that I never want to go back to where I was.  There are a few people who have been inspired to take the plunge with me and try this challenge.  The fact that I have inspired even one person warms my heart and makes every second of this worth it.  If you want to join me and would like some encouragement along the way, don't hesitate to send me an email  or find me on Facebook and we can exchange numbers.  I love meeting people, getting to know them, and sharing positive encouragement with each other.  I will check back in soon!

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